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TSMU scholar took part in an international conference in Poland

Conference «Finansowanie rehabilitacji pulmonologicznej w oddziałach szpitalnych i ośrodkach dziennych, a zanieczyszczenie powietrza – krakowski smog» took place on January 27, 2017 in Krakow (Poland). The event was organized by the Provincial hospital of lung diseases and rehabilitation (Wojewódzki Szpital Chorób Płuc i Rehabilitacji) and in-patient hospital of salt mine «Wieliczka» (Uzdrowisko Kopalnia Soli „Wieliczka”). Professor Leonid Hryschuk, head of the Department of Internal Medicine, Propedeutics, and Phthisiology, represented on this meeting Ternopil State Medical University.



The aim of the conference was to draw attention of the public and local authorities to the urgent need for rehabilitation of pulmonary patients, suffering from diseases caused by air pollution. There has been increased interest in social issues caused by air pollution, such as declining population health due to smog inhalation.


Dr. Hryschuk noted that Poland government has taken a number of steps to improve air quality. However, there is still a need to intensify development of measures to combat health effects of pollution, improve preventive actions and detoxification. The experience of Polish colleagues can be implemented in our country.


These issues are particularly relevant for major cities of Poland and in Ukraine. The Conference adopted a number of recommendations to improve the situation in regards to air pollution and outlined measures for the rehabilitation of pulmonary patients.