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TSMU Student Council members participate in the project “Steps to the Future”

The first meeting of the newly elected members of the Ternopil State Medical University Student Council on 30 October took the form of communication training. It was organized by the international corporation “Yulia-pharm” within the framework of the national educational platform “Steps to the Future” (project coordinator in Ternopil State Medical University – Taras Moroz) and “EPR” project (Coordinator in Ternopil State Medical University – Dmytro Myroniuk).


Practical classes on developing communication skills , effective interpersonal communication, and leadership were demanding but fun. The students analyzed their communication style with counterparts, using verbal and nonverbal communication techniques. They received guidance from professional trainers Oksana Bilkevych and Julia Zaitseva (“Steps to the Future” project coordinator). As part of the training members of the TSMU Student Council learned interpret the other party using their body language and facial expressions. This ultimately helped everyone to get to know each other and establish communication channels among the students.