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TSMU Students participated in the events of No Tobacco Day

Recently, students and faculty of Ternopil State Medical University took part in the rally on the occasion of World No Tobacco Day, which was organized by the Department of Health of Ternopil Regional State Administration, regional Health Center, regional Center of social services for children , family and youth  and the Red Cross Society in Ternopil region.



 “During the event we measured peak expiratory flow rate. Incidentally, the results of the survey were disappointing, since  70% of the surveyed smokers had numbers below normal.  We talked to people who smoke cigarettes asking them if they are aware the harmful effects of this habit on the body. They told us that they know about it, but can not quit. We also talked to some people who kicked the habit. They shared some interesting methods to combat smoking, “- said a medical student Mykhaylo Bandrivskyi.



Associate Professor Volodymyr Horodetskyi said that participation of TSMU students in such events is very important. This way, either by example or through communication they help their peers to avoid or get rid of the ‘tobacco trap’. “Often, quitting smoking cigarettes is difficult, but, nevertheless, fighting this habit has to be smoker’s personal decision . The person must prioritize and make a decision. Peer support is also very important, especially among young people. It should be noted that quitting smoking at any age and even after being a smoker for long time significantly increases life expectancy. So if you smoke – do not delay! Take care of your health and your and your family future! “- added Volodymyr Horodetskyi.

