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The Scientists of TSMU Trained at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Wroclaw Medical University

Wroclaw Medical University due to cooperation with I.Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University offers young scientists of our university an opportunity to get acquainted with work of medical institutions in the Republic of Poland and to improve their skills during one month training at Wroclaw University.


The Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacy Management, Economics and Technology Voit O.I. participated at this program. The training took part at the Department of Pharmacy Technology and was supervised by Professor Janusz Pluto. She also attended classes and lectures at the Departments of Pharmacognosy and Clinical Pharmacy.

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During a 6-week-training at the Faculty of Pharmacy at Wroclaw Medical University the young scientist saw the preparation and delivering of practical classes, seminars and lectures. She paid attention to methodological aspects of technical subjects teaching, such as Pharmacy Technology and Biopharmaceutics at the Department of Pharmacy Technology.

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The work at scientific laboratories of the department was of great interest.


I appreciate the assistance and support of the university administration, project coordinator Associate Professor Natalia Lisnychuk, Honorary Professor of Ternopil State Medical University Wojciech Barg, who helped in training arrangement, Master in Pharmaceutical Science Przemyslaw Baranowski, Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacy Bozena Korolevics and all department staff who delivered a hearty welcome during my staying in Poland.

Information was delivered by the Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacy Management, Economics and Technology Voit O.I.