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University-wide volunteer movement Misericordia collected care package items for the troops

Charity work in Ternopil State Medical University has deep roots. Members of a local history group Terpoliany, Ukrainian and international students alike, have been taking part in charitable activities for quite some time. Recently leader of the group, associate professor Taras Kadobnyi with support of TSMU administration and deans organized a university-wide volunteer movement Misericordia.


On March 2, 2017 Ukrainian and international students of TSMU prepared care packages for the servicemen of the 81st Mechanized Brigade. First year students Piotr Ostrowski and Sandra Slawinska organized collection of food products, medicine, personal hygiene items at the Faculty of International students. Together they collected over 60 kilograms of items, which will be sent to the station of this military unit.