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Volunteers of “Misericordia” Continue Their Charitable Mission

Volunteers of the university organisation “Misericordia” have repeatedly visited and helped the Ternopil Regional Child Rehabilitation and Development Centre and continue to do so during the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, because children need special support in such a difficult time.

On July 17, 2022, our tireless volunteers again visited this institution with the provided by the representatives of the NGO “Desantno-kozatskyi rii” Olha Moseiko, head of the “Zbruch” ensemble and deputy director of the Ternopil Regional Philharmonic Vasyl Irmiichuk, TNMU Associate Professor Taras Kadobnyi, students of the Faculties of Medicine and Dentistry Marta Struk, Ivan Klymash, Yana Dobrianska. Thanks to the support of United support for Ukraine, they presented diapers, children’s medicines, vitamins, personal hygiene products and other things.


The general director (head doctor) of the Ternopil Regional Child Rehabilitation and Development Centre expressed her sincere appreciation: “Thank you for your sincerity and mercy, indeed, good deeds leave a beautiful mark in people’s souls. They soften and comfort the hearts of those who see and feel this goodness”.

The information was provided by Marta Struk, a student of the Faculty of Medicine.